Dear Friend of CCS/CHS,

Image © Julie Lonneman, The Gift (2005),

Thank you for your kind help in many ways – all from gracious hands outstretched by your workers.  Please continue to pass on the blessings – you do make a difference!” – Esther

Every day, with your help, Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services (CCS/CHS) are able to provide “blessings” of compassion and care to our neighbors in desperate need.

More importantly, we impart the blessings of hope and light that Jesus brought to our struggling world. The “gracious hands outstretched” by our workers are also extensions of the gracious hands outstretched by our supporters. Together, we give witness to the presence of Christ through loving works of mercy. This collective response is saving lives and providing far more than basic human needs of food, clothing and shelter.  We are affording those in our sacred care lasting stability, personal dignity and Christ’s promise of hope.

Esther is just one of tens of thousands who have turned to CCS/CHS for help in this past year of daunting uncertainty and hardship. Her touching words remind us that poverty has a face, a voice, a name. Poverty is the voice of George, a disabled veteran who seeks housing; Poverty is the face of Shana, a survivor of domestic violence who has no-where to turn with two little ones; Poverty is the frail voice of Mary, an isolated elder who desperately needs in-home care to thrive and survive. With your help, we are present daily to make known Christ’s love through the works of mercy to these and to all we serve.

I ask you to join me in making a gift to the 2021 Appeal for the Poor. A gift that will help us continue to provide “gracious hands outstretched” that can heal wounds and change lives. You have my promise to make your gift stretch to maximum efficiency with 92 cents of every dollar spent going directly to assist those hurting and in need. In these uncertain times, your help to “make a difference” is more urgent than ever.

Thank you for your kind support and your prayers. May Christ’s light bring hope to all those we serve and to you and your family in this holy season and the coming New Year.

With sincere gratitude,

Michael Reichert, CCS/CHS President

P.S. A generous donor has offered $10,000 to inspire new donors to CCS. The first 100 gifts of at least $100 from new or renewed households will be matched! Your gift, no matter the amount, will deliver real impact and bring hope to our neighbors like Esther. Thank you!

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