WESTERN WASHINGTON – Catholic Community Services (CCS) and Catholic Housing Services (CHS) received 40,000 lbs. of food from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In partnership with St. Vincent de Paul, food provisions were distributed to Seattle-based Georgetown Food Bank and delivered to 12 locations across Western Washington that provide housing for farmworkers. Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington and Catholic Charities of Central Washington each received a pallet of food from the shipment, as well.

The CCS Farmworker Center (FWC), was one of the 12 locations that received food. The FWC provides a welcoming place for farmworker families to connect with educational and community resources and receive support to become effective advocates for their community’s needs. FWC Program Coordinators Guillermina Bazante and Marta Martinez Olivera received 15 cases of non-perishable food for families in need who use the FWC for emergency services during this COVID-19 pandemic. Guillermina commented, “So many farmworkers are telling us they have lost jobs and are worried about feeding their families. It’s about getting the right help at the right time and this food is exactly what they need right now.”

Thank you to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for compassionately responding to the urgent food insecurity and household needs caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click here to read the full press release.

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