Introducing the Tenant Law Center!

The team of the newly renamed Tenant Law Center

For over 25 years, CCS’ Legal Action Center has focused on preventing homelessness in King County. With additional funding from Building Changes to remove barriers for homeless families, the Legal Action Center team have changed their name to more accurately describe the focus of their work.

The newly renamed Tenant Law Center (TLC) will continue to provide legal representation to tenants facing evictions and also provide legal advocacy for homeless families.

The Building Changes grant will extend the services of the Tenant Law Center (TLC) to all Rapid Re-Housing providers in King County. Previously, TLC has been providing assistance only to Rapid Re-Housing clients of Catholic Community Services.

Rapid Re-Housing providers in King County report that housing debt is one of the most challenging barriers their clients face as they search for a rental home.

Read more from Building Changes here.

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