Home-Delivered Meals (often referred to as Meals-On-Wheels) is part of the CCS Senior Nutrition Program in Pierce County. Meals-On-Wheels offers frozen home delivered meals for older persons who are unable to leave their home to shop and find it hard to prepare nutritious meals. The meals are prepared with the special dietary needs of seniors in mind and drivers visit seniors once a week with meals. American Red Cross started Meals-On-Wheels in Pierce County and the program transitioned to CCS in 2005. Nancy Ryan was the very first driver for Pierce Meals-On-Wheels with American Red Cross. She is celebrating her 40th year of service with the program! Nancy said that she wanted to become a driver because she loves “delivering meals to seniors that can’t get out because of medical conditions or being homebound.” If it wasn’t for CCS staff like Nancy, the seniors in the program might not get a nutritious meal.
For Nancy it is a joy to see clients and they are happy to see her. Some seniors live in isolation and she might be the only person they see in weeks. “A lot of the folks don’t have any family to come see them or even get them food,” said Nancy. Reflecting on her 40 years (and counting) of service, Nancy said “this job has been so rewarding, and it brings a smile to my face knowing that I have helped someone feel better that day and receive a good nutritious meal. I love my seniors and the program that helps them to stay somewhat independent.”
Fellow CCS Meals-On-Wheels staff member Deryl Slaughter voiced that the staff who work with Nancy love being around her. “She is always cheerful and knows her job well. Nancy is committed to her job and still is after 40 years of dedicated service.”
Thank you Nancy for your dedication and years of service! Here is a look at Nancy over her many years of service: