
CCS and CHS together annually serve tens of thousands of persons through more than 175 programs.

An unrecognizable patient listens as her mature adult female therapist gives her some straightforward advice.

About Family Behavioral Health

About The Family Behavioral Health system provides an integrated and flexible array of strengths-based services and supports centered around one predominant belief: Children need their families and families need their…

African American Elders Program

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The African American Elders Program serves African-American elders in Central and Southeast Seattle and South King County. The program identifies frail, isolated and hard-to-serve African Americans and assists them in…

Anchor – South King Co. Shelter System

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Historically, CCS shelter programs in South King County collaborated with faith communities in Auburn, Kent, Federal Way and Renton to host overnight shelter in congregate spaces at church facilities. In…

Arrest and Jail Alternatives (AJA) Program

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About Arrest and Jail Alternatives The Arrest and Jail Alternatives (AJA) program utilizes peer case managers and mental health professionals to assist Olympia community members who are deeply marginalized based…

Benedict House

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Benedict House opened April 28, 2006, and is the only facility for homeless men in Kitsap County. The program is named for St. Benedict Labre, patron saint of homeless persons.…

Bridge Shelter

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The Bridge Shelter’s primary goal is connecting those we serve to appropriate permanent housing, as quickly as possible, in a dignified, safe and non-judgmental environment. The program is designed to serve vulnerable…

Catholic Immigration Legal Services

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For Services: Contact us here Catholic Immigration Legal Services (CILS) is a Department of Justice recognized organization providing quality immigration legal services to low-income residents of Washington. Our offices include…

CCS NW Recovery Centers

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CCS NW Recovery Centers The CCS NW Recovery Centers provide a full continuum of outpatient Substance Use Disorder treatment services in Snohomish and Whatcom counties. CCS provides treatment to youth,…

Child and Family Mental Health

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The Child and Family Mental Health Program of Catholic Community Services of Western Washington (CCSWW) provides counseling services for children and their families throughout the Greater Seattle and South King…

Children’s Mental Health

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CCS provides children’s mental health services to Medicaid eligible children and their families in Whatcom, Skagit and Snohomish Counties. After an initial assessment and determination of need for ongoing help,…

Clare’s Place

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A big THANK YOU to our community members’ continued support of Clare’s Place! Clare’s Place provides 65 units of permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless and vulnerable households in Snohomish County. Catholic…

CReW (Counseling, Recovery and Wellness) Program

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The CReW (Counseling, Recovery and Wellness) Program is a licensed outpatient mental health and substance-use counseling program under the King County Integrated Care Network (KCICN). Our purpose is to assist adults living…

Dorothy Day House

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Who We Are The Dorothy Day House is a residence for homeless women, managed by Catholic Housing Services. The Seattle residence provides 41 single units for low-income adult women, many…

Drexel House

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About Drexel House In 2005 a work group was formed to develop a 10-Year Homeless Housing plan, designed to reduce homelessness in Thurston County by 50 percent by July 2015. At…

Elizabeth Thomas Homes

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Catholic Housing Services and FAME-Equity Alliance of Washington are pleased to partner on the development of 119 units of affordable housing in the Rainier Beach neighborhood. Elizabeth Thomas Homes features studio, one,…