Family Housing Network

Our Mission

Through support, dignity and love, Catholic Community Services/Family Housing Network, in partnership with our community, empowers families challenged by homelessness to achieve independent, healthy lives, and a permanent place to call home.

Who We Serve

Family Housing Network serves low-income families in Pierce County and military veteran households in King, Pierce, Thurston, Kitsap, Mason, Grays Harbor, Lewis, Cowlitz, Pacific or Wahkiakum counties. We provide assistance to house families experiencing homelessness, while helping to connect them with resources that maximize stability and self-sufficiency, in order to prevent future homelessness.

FHN provides equal access to any family referred through Coordinated Entry, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, disability, or cause of homelessness.

Our Services

Coordinated Entry
CCS/FHN is a partner in Pierce County’s Coordinated Entry System, the entry point for homeless services in the county. When people experiencing homelessness call 211 for an appointment, or see a Coordinated Entry Specialist at an outreach location, including our drop-in Family Day Center (see below), the Specialist will meet with them to help them figure out a solution to their homelessness. The conversation includes problem-solving dialogue to explore options outside of the over-burdened homeless services system, as well as an assessment of strengths, vulnerability, and housing barriers in order to be prioritized for potential referral to an appropriate housing program.  Appointments can also be scheduled online at

Rapid Re-housing
FHN helps families and individuals move to affordable community housing as quickly as possible after they become homeless. Rapid Re-housing also provides them with short-term supportive services and connections to community resources at an individualized level. Referrals come through Coordinated Entry.

Family Day Center
The Family Day Center is at 5050 South Tacoma Way. The entrance is on the corner of South Tacoma Way and 52nd. The hours for families to visit are:

  • Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Wednesdays: Noon to 6:00 PM
  • Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

No appointment is necessary, and homeless families can drop in anytime within these hours. They will have access to showers and laundry, kitchen facilities for cooking, and computers. A case manager is also present to provide Coordinated Entry assessments and assist families with housing and additional resources.

(“Family” is defined as a parent or parents with minor children in their custody, or a pregnant woman.)

Permanent Supportive Housing
Family Housing Network partners with 69 apartment units in Tacoma, Lakewood, and Fife to serve homeless families with complex needs and disabilities who need long term case management services to work on goals toward stability and independence. Service goals typically center on housing retention, education, employment, and family stability. Referrals come through Coordinated Entry.

Supportive Services for Veteran Families
The SSVF program provides rapid re-housing and homeless prevention services for veteran families and single veterans experiencing homelessness or who are at imminent risk of homelessness. Qualifications include:

  • Discharge status of anything other than dishonorable or general court martial
  • Resident of King, Pierce, Thurston or Snohomish, Kitsap, Mason, Grays Harbor, Lewis, Cowlitz, Pacific or Wahkiakum Counties
  • Currently homeless and seeking housing
  • At imminent risk of homelessness (based on assessment)
  • Income below 50% HUD Area Median Income

To access the SSVF program, call:

  • Pierce: 253-471-5340
  • King: 253-854-0011

Help Us Help Families!
These donations  will help us serve families at the Day Center:

  • Shampoo (large bottles)
  • Body wash (large bottles)
  • Diapers
  • Travel-size toothpaste
  • Feminine hygiene
  • Toothbrushes
  • Towels
  • Razors, shave cream
  • Washcloths
  • Non-perishable snacks/boxed meals
  • Deodorant
  • Children’s coloring/activity books


If Experiencing Homelessness:
Call 211 in Pierce County

General Information:
(253) 471-5340

5050 South Tacoma Way
Tacoma, WA 98409