Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) – Kitsap County

The Kitsap County Housing and Essential Needs Program is a program operated by Catholic Community Services. Our office number is (360) 373-0638 and our office is open Monday through Friday from 8 am – 4 pm.
What is the HEN/BRIDGE program?

The HEN program of Kitsap County offers qualifying residents services such as rental assistance, security deposits, move in costs, bus vouchers, and monthly essential needs (toilet paper, shampoo, hygiene items, etc.). In conjunction to these services, we also offer case management to help people gain and/or maintain stable housing.

The SSI/SSDI BRIDGE program helps meet the transitional needs of clients who were receiving benefits from the HEN program but are now are receiving SSI/SSDI/SSA. To qualify for BRIDGE, households must be receiving Social Security benefits (SSI/SSDI/SSA) and make below 30% of the Area Medium Income and either be:

  • currently receiving HEN rent assistance,
  • received a HEN referral within the last 6 months and were unable to identify permanent housing,


  • received HEN rent assistance in the past but exited the program within the last 6 months.

Clients are responsible for paying 30% of their income towards their rent and will have a one-year term on the program. The goal of the BRIDGE program is to help bridge the gap between HEN rent assistance to stable housing that is self-sustainable while living on SSI/SSDI/SSA income. All Bridge clients will work with a case manager to find solutions to their housing barriers.  As with the HEN Program there may be a waitlist for rental assistance.

How do I apply?

HEN is a direct referral program through DSHS. If you qualify for ABD (Aged, Blind and Disabled program), DSHS will refer you to programs you are eligible for and HEN may be one of them. If DSHS gives you a referral for HEN, please all our offices at 360-373-0638 and schedule an appointment for an Intake. You will need to bring the referral letter with you to the appointment


If you want more information on the BRIDGE program, are currently receiving HEN assistance with the anticipation of receiving SSI, and are in Kitsap county, please call our office at (360) 373-0638. Please be prepared to answer a few questions to determine your eligibility. You will be required to provide a copy of your Social Security Award letter, your state Identification Card and a copy of your lease if you are currently housed.

Contact Us

Phone: (360) 373-0638
Fax: (360) 627-9967
Email: HenSupport@CCSWW.org

285 5th St. STE. 2
Bremerton, WA 98337

“HEN helped me move from transitional housing into permanent housing and taught me the tools I need to maintain it. They stuck with me and cared about me during my times of struggle. Having never worked before, HEN helped me apply and interview for my first job. Today, I have my own apartment, a job, I pay my bills, and I continue to work my way up into the person that I want to be as I start this new chapter in my life.” – HEN Client