What is it?
The LIFT card is a low-income ORCA card that provides users with a reduced fare for Metro Transit, King County Water Taxi, Kitsap Transit, Seattle Streetcar and Sound Transit Link light rail. For a full overview of ORCA LIFT, please visit the King County Metro website.

Do I qualify?
To qualify for the reduced fare program, a person’s household income must be no more than 200% of the federal poverty level as established by the U.S. Health and Human Services Department. The 200% Federal Poverty Guidelines for 2024 are shown below.

Household Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
How do I sign up?

You can sign up through Catholic Community Services at the location below, or visit King County Metro for more enrollment sites.

In-person Enrollment:

The Randolph Carter Center
100 23rd Ave S
Seattle WA, 98144

Monday 10:00am – 4:00pm
Friday 10:00am – 4:00pm

Phone Enrollment

CCS Clients can call the ORCA Lift Coordinator at 206-960-1582 Monday to Friday 10am-4pm to request more information or to be enrolled remotely and have their card mailed to them.


Use the King County Metro Reduced Fare Portal. Receive your card in 7-10 days.


Are you a service provider working with low-income individuals and families in North King County?

Contact the CCS ORCA LIFT Outreach Coordinator at 206-960-1582 to discuss scheduling an onsite enrollment event at your location.

What to Bring

Proof of Income

  • ProviderOne medical services card
  • EBT (electronic benefits transfer) Card
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) eligibility or a copy of your award letter.
  • Employment Security paystub or letter for applicants receiving unemployment benefits.
  • Award letters for SSI, Social Security, or Railroad Retirement recipients.
  • L & I statement for workers’ compensation recipients.
  • Employed (with a paycheck): Paystubs for the last 30 days.
  • Employed (paid in cash): Letter from the employer signed and dated with gross income for the client for the last 30 days; or a bank statement if you deposit your pay into a bank account.
  • Self-employed: Copy of your most recent tax return. Income is based on the modified adjusted gross income on your most recent tax return: Form 1040 line 37; Form 1040 A, line 21; Form 1040 EZ, line 4; or completion of the self-employment worksheet.
  • If you have no income: Employment Security verification form.

Proof of Identity

1. Government-issued photo ID:

  • Driver’s license (any state or country)
  • Photo ID card from any state, province, county or country
  • Armed Services ID with photo
  • ID card from any foreign consulate
  • Passport from any country
  • School photo ID — university, college, high school
  • Tribal ID
  • US certificate of citizenship, naturalization (signature, photo)
  • Any other form of photo ID issued by a government agency of any country

– OR –

2. A combination of two or more documents:

  1. Non-government-issued document with name and a photo of you as an adult, and
  2. A document that indicates your name and birthdate, such as:
    • Adoption papers
    • Baptismal records
    • Birth certificate
    • Border crossing card
    • Court order
    • DHS “Trusted Traveler” cards (NEXUS, SENTRI, FAST)
    • Driver’s instruction permit
    • DSHS identification letter for those in custodianship
    • Employee ID card
    • Immigration ID
    • Marriage license
    • School records / transcript (certified)
    • Social Security card
    • Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)
    • Unemployment card

Subsidized Orca Lift

Residents of King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties who are at or below 80% of the federal poverty level and are enrolled in one of six state benefit programs can obtain a subsidized annual pass valid for travel on King County Metro and Sound Transit services. Eligible customers can receive a subsidized annual pass at DSHS, Public Health, and Catholic Community Services across King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties.

Customers who reside in King, Pierce, or Snohomish County and are enrolled in one of the six state benefit programs:

  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)/State Family Assistance (SFA)
  • Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)
  • Aged, Blind, or Disabled Cash Assistance (ABD)
  • Pregnant Women Assistance (PWA) – Not to be confused with WIC or Pregnancy Medical
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) – Not to be confused with Social Security Income
  • Housing & Essential Needs (HEN) – Not to be confused with housing assistance such as HUD

To apply or for more information about these programs, visit washingtonconnection.org or call (877) 501-2233. Expansions are expected in 2022 to serve more customers that have household incomes at or below 80% of the federal poverty level.
More information is available here.