Permanent Housing
Permanent Housing
Our Permanent Housing Properties include housing for homeless, low-income and special needs individuals, and families. We are committed to breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty by providing subsidized housing coupled with supportive services on site. Our housing programs instill hope and an opportunity to consider other possibilities for a person’s life. New residents are welcomed by their neighbors, and are invited to take part in the many community activities.
Francis Place
Provides 42 units of housing with supportive services for formerly homeless adults in downtown Bellingham. Applications for Francis Place are through a referral through the Whatcom Homeless Service Center. Please contact Whatcom Homeless Service Center at (360) 255-2091 for more information.
Kateri Court
Offers 40 units of studio and one-bedroom apartments in Bellingham for low-income households at or below 50% of the area median income. The building is LEED certified to meet high environmental standards, such as good indoor air quality. Eight of the units are set aside for homeless parents with children, and eight units are set aside for persons with disabilities. Housing availability changes frequently; for current information, please call (360) 671-1077.
Mount Baker Apartments
Provides 84 units of affordable housing in downtown Bellingham for low-income households at or below 50% or 60% of the area median income. Thirteen units are set aside for persons with disabilities. Housing availability changes frequently; for current information, please call (360) 738-7190.
Villa Santa Fe
Provides 50 units of housing for farmworkers and their families in Bellingham. Housing availability changes frequently; for current information, please call (360) 594-6495.
Washington Grocery Building
Provides 36 units of affordable housing in downtown Bellingham low-income households at or below 50% of the area median income with 8 units set aside for persons with disabilities. Housing availability changes frequently; for current information, please call (360) 671-1077.
Martha’s Place
Provides 70 units of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) for households experiencing homelessness and low-income households at risk of homelessness in Skagit County. Catholic Community Services of Western Washington provides supportive services to the residents, with a focus on long-term stability. Martha’s Place provides another housing choice for homeless households that have difficulty finding and qualifying for housing in the private market and that are seeking a supportive community. For questions, contact Martha’s Place at 425-374-6387.
Clare’s Place
Clare’s Place provides 65 units of permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless and vulnerable households in Snohomish County. All openings at Clare’s Place will be filled through Coordinated Entry (CE). To access CE, call 2-1-1 or 1-800-223-8145. For more information click here.
Chronically Homeless Housing
A permanent supportive housing program for chronically homeless persons, utilizing scattered site housing in apartments in Snohomish County. Eligibility requires that the tenant be homeless for at least one year or for 4 times in the past 3 years and have a disability. The housing program provides goal-oriented case management to maximize housing retention and self-sufficiency. Chronically Homeless Housing is a program of the Snohomish County Family Center.
Monte Cristo
Offers 69 independent, non-subsidized units (mostly studio and one-bedroom) of affordable housing for low-income households at or below 50% median income, in a mixed-use historic building in Everett. Housing availability changes frequently; for current information, please call (425) 258-9503.
Sebastian Place
Provides 20 units of veterans housing in Lynnwood for chronically homeless and disabled veterans. Vacancies are filled only through referrals from the Department of Veteran Affairs. Call (425) 967-3380 for more information about this program.
Max Hale Center
A 53-unit affordable housing project in downtown Bremerton; 33 units are reserved for formerly homeless men and women. Housing availability changes frequently; for current information, please call (360) 792-2117.
Champion House
An 8-unit group home in Bellevue for developmentally disabled adults. Managed by Helping Hands for the Disabled. This property maintains a waiting list. Please contact (425) 644-4344 for more information.
Dorothy Day House
A 41-single-unit room occupancy building in Seattle’s Belltown neighborhood for formerly homeless women. Housing availability changes frequently; for current information, please call (206) 374-4364. Visit the Dorothy Day House webpage for additional information.
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Frederic Ozanam House
Frederic Ozanam House provides 56 single-room-occupancy units of permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless men aged 55+ who also have a disabling condition. The program includes onsite meals, case management, and access to medical, mental health, and chemical dependency resources.
Frederic Ozanam House does not maintain a waitlist and available units are filled through King County’s Coordinated Entry for All. For information about Frederic Ozanam House, please call (206) 441-4606.
Halcyon House
An 8-unit group home in Bellevue for the developmentally disabled. Managed by Helping Hands for the Disabled. This property maintains a waiting list. Please contact (425) 644-4344 for more information.
A historic high-rise building in downtown Seattle providing 221 studio and one-bedroom apartments for low-income individuals, with 80 units set aside for formerly homeless persons. Housing availability changes frequently; for current information, please call (206) 448-8500.
Katharine’s Place
Provides 25 units of family housing in Seattle’s Rainier Valley, with some units set aside for families with special needs. Housing availability changes frequently; for current information, please call (206) 722-0717, or please visit the Katharine’s Place webpage.
Martina Apartments
Provides 66 units for students who are enrolled in college. For current waitlist information please call (206)-741-0776.
Monica’s Village Place I
Offers 51 units of affordable housing for individuals and families in Seattle’s Central District.
MVPI Waitlist Flyer
MVPI Tenant Screening Criteria
Noel House at Bakhita Gardens
Noel House Programs provides safe, comfortable shelter to a diverse community of homeless women, particularly those most vulnerable. We strive to create an environment of dignity, respect and compassion. We recognize the intrinsic value of each person and honor her unique experience. Click here for more information.
Patrick Place Apartments
Provides 71 units of housing (65 studios and 6 one bedrooms) of permanent supportive housing for adults who have experienced chronic homelessness. Patrick Place Apartments does not maintain a waitlist and available units are filled through King County’s Coordinated Entry for All.
Renton Family Housing
Renton Family Housing provides 18 non-subsidized townhome style 2 and 3 bedroom units in the Renton Highlands, and 6 non-subsidized 3-bedroom apartments in downtown Renton for low-income families. Please review the Resident Selection Criteria form. Housing availability changes frequently; for current information, please call (425) 793-7060.
Download Resident Selection Criteria
Rose of Lima at Bakhita Gardens
Rose of Lima House provides permanent, supportive housing to formerly homeless women in a respectful, community focused environment. We seek to encourage independence and provide women with the tools to move out of homelessness, permanently. Click here for more information.
Santa Teresita del Niño Jesus
Santa Teresita is a family housing program in Seattle’s Delridge neighborhood (West Seattle) offering 25 units of housing (2- and 3-bedroom units) homeless families referred by Coordinated Entry for All. This property does not maintain a waiting list. Please contact 211 for more information.
Sidney Wilson House
Located in the city of Renton, Sidney Wilson House provides 105 studio units of permanent supportive housing for single adults who have experienced chronic homelessness. Unhoused Renton residents are prioritized for 16 of the units. Sidney Wilson House does not maintain a waitlist. Available units are filled through King County’s Coordinated Entry for All.
Spruce Park Apartments
Offers 44 studio and one-bedroom apartments in Seattle’s Central District for small families and individuals with 50% median income, with 4 units for homeless families and individuals at 30% median income. Housing availability changes frequently; for current information, please call (206) 322-0450 or visit the Village Spirit Center for more information.
St. Martin’s on Westlake
St. Martin’s on Westlake is located at 2008 Westlake Ave. Seattle, WA 98121 and provides 53 units of single-room-occupancy housing for chronically homeless men 55 years of age and older. This property accepts referrals from Coordinated Entry for All. This property does not maintain a waiting list. Please contact 211 for information on how to access this and other properties serving individuals experiencing homelessness. For information about the property call 206-340-0410.
St. Martin’s on Westlake program participates in the WSDA TEFAP food program administered by Food Lifeline, and as such adheres to the USDA Nondiscrimination policy.
Thea Bowman Apartments
Thea Bowman Apartments provides 80 units of housing and supportive services for formerly homeless individuals and veterans in the community. Applications are accepted by referral through King County’s Coordinated Entry for All. Please contact Coordinated Entry for All for more information, or contact the Thea Bowman Apartments at (206) 429-2149.
Traugott Terrace
Traugott Terrace is located at 2317- 3rd Ave., Seattle, WA and provides 38 permanent and 12 transitional clean and sober apartments for individuals in recovery. Residents must be actively committed to a program of recovery while at Traugott. Income and rent limits apply. Please call for (206) 267-3023 for more information.
Download Pre-Application Packet
The Wintonia is a 92-single-room-occupancy building in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood housing people with low incomes. Please consider helping them by donating essential needs; shampoo, conditioner, lotion, body soap, and laundry soap. Contact Ed Barnhart, Program Director at 206-678-5821. Thank you!
Emmons Apartments
Provides 22 units for low-income families in Tacoma’s Hilltop neighborhood. Housing availability changes frequently; for current information, please call (253) 274-5710.
Fournier Court Apartments
Provides 20 units in Tacoma for chronically mentally ill adults. Please contact (253) 531-5087 for more information.
Supplement to Application
Tenant Selection Plan
Guadalupe Vista
Guadalupe Vista is a 50 unit housing program that provides affordable housing to families and individuals in the Hilltop neighborhood of Tacoma. Click here for more information.
Manresa Apartments
A 20 unit apartment complex for low income individuals or small families in Lakewood. Please call (253) 593-2120 for more information.
Matsusaka Townhomes
Offers 25 units of low-income family housing in Tacoma’s Hilltop neighborhood. Please call (253) 593-2120 for more information.
Nativity House Apartments
Nativity House is the largest, most comprehensive facility in Pierce County serving low-income and homeless adult men and women. In addition to overnight and day shelter services, it also operates the Nativity House Apartments which provides 50 units of permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless single adults with disabilities. Click here for more information.
Pioneer Court
Provides 17 units of housing in Puyallup for chronically mentally ill adults. Please contact (253) 848-0874 for more information.
Sumner Townhomes
Provides 8 units of low-income housing for families in Sumner. Please call (253) 826-5199 for more information.
Sunrise Court
Offers 20 units of housing in Tacoma for chronically mentally ill adults. Please contact (253) 537-2429 for more information.
Drexel House
Drexel House provides a continuum of housing care in a safe environment that fosters respect and dignity, with an emergency shelter for 16 men, 25 low-income affording furnished studio apartments for men and women transitioning into permanent housing, and 10 permanent low-income affordable furnished studio apartments for chronically homeless and disabled men and women. Click here for more information.
Drexel House II
Provides 50 units of permanent supportive housing for homeless veterans. Click here for more information.