Rapid Rehousing (RRH)

Rapid Rehousing (RRH) is a short term intervention designed to help individuals and families exit homelessness and quickly return to permanent housing. Our case management focuses on resolving the practical and immediate barriers to obtaining and maintaining market rate housing as well as making connections to other services and community support. RRH provides housing search assistance, short-term temporary financial assistance, as well as housing stability case management to assist our participants in maintaining their housing once program assistance has ended. All services are voluntary and housing stability plans are created in partnership with our clients. We are a housing first program, meaning that there are no preconditions that clients must meet before moving into housing. While clients do not need to have current income to be eligible for the RRH program, clients must work with their case manager to develop a plan for assuming responsibility for their rent.

Eligibility: Participants must be literally homeless before being enrolled in the program.

How can I get referred?

All referrals for the RRH Program are done through Snohomish County Coordinated Entry. If you are literally homeless and in need of housing assistance, please call 2-1-1 (or 800-223-8145) to access Coordinated Entry.