Posts Tagged ‘CCS Appeal for the Poor’
“A Doorway to a Better Life”: Achieving Success Through the ASSET Program
“A year ago, I would not have expected to be in this position,” says Sam, a young mother and former Catholic Community Services (CCS) client, now a full-time employee with…
Read More“We Get to Taste the Sweet Part Now”: Yusef’s New Home
After a year of homelessness, Yusef has the key to the door of a one-bedroom apartment in low-income housing provided by Catholic Housing Services, complete with donated furniture and household…
Read More2023 Appeal for the Poor
Dear Friend of CCS/CHS, In this special season of giving, I want to express my personal gratitude to faithful donors, staff, volunteers, and parish communities for “sharing the light of hope”…
Read More2021 Appeal for the Poor
Dear Friend of CCS/CHS, Thank you for your kind help in many ways – all from gracious hands outstretched by your workers. Please continue to pass on the blessings –…
Read More2019 Appeal for the Poor
“I promise never to forget all the people who encouraged me and helped me… Thank you all. Please keep up the fight. People like me really need you.” These words…
Read MoreThank you! Over $2.7 million raised for essential and emergency services
We have been humbled by the response to the 2018 CCS/CHS Appeal for the Poor. Thanks to you, along with thousands of others committed to our neighbors in desperate need, we…
Read MoreCentennial Appeal for the Poor
“My Mommy is crying.” The sting of homelessness is never more heartbreaking than for a child. Lack of routine and stability overshadowed by poverty, isolation and fear are the stunning…
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