“Kris and I know that we are working with a wonderful organization right in our own region that changes lives and gives people hope.” 

Chuck and Kris Kusak, third generation owners of Kusak Cut Glass Works in Seattle, reflect on the many volunteer projects and programs of Catholic Community Services they have participated in over the last decades.

Particularly meaningful to Chuck has been his involvement as a board member of St. Martin’s Programs. Chuck’s work at the shelter reminds him every day that “Despite tragic circumstances, all the guests are God’s children and deserve a hot meal and a warm, safe place to sleep.”

“Kris and I had the opportunity to arrange the donation of a piano to the shelter. We’re thrilled to know that every night shelter guests are lined up for their turn to play a tune.  It touches your heart and teaches you to see the goodness and possibility in every person.”

Help a neighbor in need. Find a CCS volunteer opportunity in your area at ccsww.org/volunteer/

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