“Being homeless makes you mostly scared about being alone. Thank God for CCS – you are my only family.”
With the intensified health perils of the pandemic, your immediate help is needed. Help to make certain that we are able to care for our poor and vulnerable “family” members, especially high risk elders in our care who live alone or in our shelters. At no time has the reality been so stark that we truly are the “only family” to thousands of brothers and sisters in need.
Our highest priorities are to uphold the health and welfare of each person in our care as well as each caregiver and the community at large. Expanded health protocols will mean increased costs to the agency that we know will save lives. Costs that include offsite venues and motel rooms for isolation of our most medically fragile clients as well as unforeseen costs that will be reflected in staffing for extended day shelter hours, technical support, health and hygiene supplies and deep cleaning of multiple facilities.
Please join us today with a gift that will allow us to handle known and yet unknown costs of client care during this dangerous health crisis. Every gift, large or small, will help save lives and allow CCS/CHS, as the largest private social service provider in the state, to continue our century long mission of compassion to thousands in need here in your own region or neighborhood.
Please know that we are grateful for your prayers and support and wish you and your family safe and healthy passage through these challenging times. Know too that you truly are treasured family to the fragile brothers and sisters who come to us seeking help, healing and hope. Thank you.
With gratitude,
Michael Reichert, President
P.S. With the perilous pandemic crisis, many have asked how they can help. While you may not personally be able to provide shelter to a scared, homeless family or help isolate a medically fragile elder, your gift today will do just that. Your generosity is deeply appreciated.
To donate by check please direct your donations to:
Catholic Community Services
Attn: Fund Development Office
100 23rd Ave South
Seattle, WA 98144